1.1 - This contract ("Contract") is a distance contract pursuant to art. 50 and ss. Of the D.Lgs. 6 September 2005, n. 206 ("Consumer Code"). The Contract deals with the sale of movable goods between a Morellishop shop, with registered office in SEE DATA INSIDE THE INSERTIONS ("TEKMATIC STORE") and the consumer (the "Customer"). The Contract is concluded directly through the acceptance by TEKMATIC STORE of a purchase proposal issued by the Customer by telephone or internet, on the website www.tekmatic-store.it (the "Site") and / or through other remote sales systems of TEKMATIC STORE , based on the methods described in article 3 below.
1.2 These conditions general conditions of sale ("General Conditions") and, in particular, the information pursuant to art. 52 of the Consumer Code, as provided by TEKMATIC STORE , repeated on the phone to the Customer and reported on the Site, will remain valid and effective until they are modified and / or supplemented by TEKMATIC STORE . Any changes and / or additions to the General Conditions will be effective starting from the date on which they will be communicated to the public and will apply to sales made from that date. The latest updated version of the General Conditions can be found on the Website.


The sales prices of the products shown on the Website and / or through other remote sales systems of TEKMATIC STORE are inclusive of I.V.A. and any other tax. Delivery costs are indicated on the Website and / or through other remote sales systems of TEKMATIC STORE and, in the case of telephone order, repeated to the Customer by the TEKMATIC STORE .
All data published in the announcements are valid, except for errors and omissions of transcription, in the title, in the price, in the description or in the photo


3.1 - The Contract by telephone is perfected through communication to the Customer (who has contacted TEKMATIC STORE by telephone and formulated, on that occasion, a proposal of purchase also providing the operator with the data necessary for the registration procedure of his name, purchase order and payment method chosen) that the proposal is accepted.
3.2 - In case of purchase proposals sent via the Website, the Customer will receive a summary e-mail from TEKMATIC STORE , informing them that their purchase proposal is being processed and will be considered accepted, unless otherwise communicated by e-mail or telephone transmitted by TEKMATIC STORE within the term of 3 (three) calendar days from receipt of the summary e-mail. Once this term has expired, the Contract by internet is to be considered completed.
3.3 - The Customer will be allowed to choose one of the following payment methods:

  • Bank Transfer
  • Pay Pal
  • Credit Card

any means of payment from time to time indicated as valid by TEKMATIC STORE on the Site.


4.1 - TEKMATIC STORE delivers the products to the address indicated by the Customer. 
4.2 - Any related claim the purchase of a product can be forwarded to the reference address in the "Contact Us" section at the bottom of the website.


TEKMATIC STORE accepts Customer's orders within the limits of the quantities of the requested products in stock. Therefore, acceptance by TEKMATIC STORE of the purchase proposal submitted by the Customer is subject to the availability of the products in stock. TEKMATIC STORE undertakes to promptly notify the Customer of any unforeseeable stock depletion due to excess demand or other causes. 


For products purchased by the Customer, the rules on guarantees and assistance regarding the sale of consumer goods are applicable to TEKMATIC STORE.


The customer declares and guarantees: to be a consumer according to the provisions of art. 3 of the Consumer Code; to be of age; that the data provided by the same for the execution of the Contract are correct and true. 


8.1 - The sale is assisted by guarantees for faults and defects established by law. Pursuant to Article 53 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 No. 206, if the customer is a consumer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason and without providing explanations. To exercise this right, the customer must send a written communication within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the goods. The communication must be addressed, after warning, by e-mail to the shop from which the purchase was made. The goods must then be returned at the care and expense of the customer within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods, to the shop from which the purchase was made. We will refund the full amount paid (excluding shipping costs) after having verified the integrity of the goods. For written confirmation of all the contractual conditions as well as additional information pursuant to art. 53 of Legislative Decree 206/2005. READ THE LEGISLATIVE DECREE (make it clickable with the page of the decree). 
8.2 - The customer who intends to use the right of withdrawal must return the products to the address indicated in the description of the purchased item, within 14 days of receipt of the products. Pursuant to Article 55, second paragraph, of the Consumer Code, the Customer will not be entitled to withdraw in the following cases

  • - supply of audiovisual products or sealed software, opened by the Customer;
  • - supply of tailor-made or customized products, or which by their very nature, do not they can be returned or they may deteriorate or change rapidly (eg cosmetics, flowers, foodstuffs);
  • supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines. 

8.3 - The costs of returning the products are charged to the customer. TEKMATIC STORE will return, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the products by the Customer: the full price paid by the Customer in case of return of the product complete with all its parts and functionality; that is, the part of the price equivalent to the product actually returned by the Customer that has consumed the product appreciably and / or such as to significantly undermine its value.


9.1 Pursuant to and for the purposes of the Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003, n.196 Code relating to protection of personal data (hereinafter the "Code"), we inform you that your personal data, provided and / or acquired subsequently, will be processed by TEKMATIC STORE, in Italy and abroad, through tools electronic and manual in compliance with the Code and current legislation on privacy.
Purpose of processing 
The collected data are processed for the following purposes: a. subscribe to the service; b. conclude purchase and sale contracts and realize the service; c. carry out the steps necessary to implement the contractual relationship in place; d. send commercial information, advertising, informative and promotional material, by any means (e-mail, sms, etc.); is. carrying out market research, economic analysis and statistics, also through telephone contact, in order to verify the correct functioning of the services and their approval; f. to elaborate personalized information about the consumption habits and the orientation of the interested parties; g. communicate data to third parties for direct marketing purposes. The provision of data is mandatory for the conclusion of the purchase contract, optional in other cases. Failure to provide data will make it impossible to execute the order placed.
Data retention
All data acquired can not be used for other purposes than those mentioned above and will be kept for the period necessary for the realization of the same. After this deadline, the data will be deleted or transformed into an anonymous form. For details on purchases and serdefects, the storage times will not exceed those established by current legislation.
Rights of the interested party
Your right to exercise at any time the rights referred to in Article 7 (Right of access to personal data and other rights) of the Code, in particular: the right to access their personal data, request correction, updating and deletion if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of current legislation, as well as to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons, by making a written request to the Regulatory and Compliance Department Institutional Jessica Messina, or directly through the methods indicated on the site in the access page to the data.
Data controller 
The data controller is Jessica Messina P.IVA 02878681200 - C-F- MSS JSC 74B 67A 944T


The Contract is governed by Italian law. Any dispute concerning the application, execution, interpretation and violation of the Contract will be the responsibility of the Court in which the Customer has his residence or domicile, if located in the Italian State, or the Court of Bologna, if the Customer has his own residence or domicile abroad. 

Read the " Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, No. 206" , click here